Privacy Policy 

Last updated July 30, 2024

The goal of this policy is to explain what information we collect when you use Vesta Insights site. By using or accessing our services you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies described in this Policy.

Information we collect

To make our services work and give you the best possible experience, we collect information from your interactions with our services. This may include: Your name, your email address, your phone number, your company’s name and job title. We may use it to communicate with you.

Email from Vesta Insights

You can opt out of emails such as product announcements by emailing [email protected].

Disclosure of your information

We may share your information with third parties in some circumstances, including: 

  1. with your consent; 
  2. as needed to a vendor or partner who meets our data protection standards; 
  3. when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other legal process; or 
  4. when we have a good faith belief that doing so will help prevent imminent harm to a person.

If we are going to share your information in response to a legal process, we’ll give you notice so
you can challenge it (for example by seeking court intervention), unless we’re prohibited from
doing so by law or believing doing so may endanger others. We will object to requests for
information about users of our services that we believe are improper or overbroad.
If we merge with another company such that your information will become subject to a
substantively different privacy policy, we’ll notify you before the transfer, so you can opt out of
any such new policy during the notice period.

Data Storage

Vesta Insights uses third-party service providers, such as Amazon Web Services, for software, networking, storage, and related technology we need to run Vesta Insights Services.


Vesta Insights doesn’t knowingly market products or services to children online under the age of thirteen, and children under the age of thirteen may not use our sites or services.

‍Changes to this Policy

Vesta Insights may periodically update this policy. You can find the updated version on our website.


We welcome questions, concerns, and feedback about this policy at [email protected]